Plotting XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) Data

Some examples on how to prepare and present data collected from an XRD analysis. The clay fraction from seven horizons was analyzed by XRD, using the five common treatments: potassium saturation (K), potassium saturation heated to 350 Deg C (K 350), potassium saturation heated to 550 Deg C (K 550), magnesium saturation (Mg), and magnesium + glycerin saturation (Mg+GLY). These data files have been attached, and can be found near the bottom of the page.  
Plotting the entire data set with lattice graphics:

## load libs
## read the composite data in as a table
## format is 2theta,MG,MG+GLY,K,K350,K550
h1 <- read.csv("tioga1_0-8.csv", header=FALSE)
h2 <- read.csv("tioga1_8-15.csv", header=FALSE)
h3 <- read.csv("tioga1_15-35.csv", header=FALSE)
h4 <- read.csv("tioga1_35-65.csv", header=FALSE)
h5 <- read.csv("tioga1_65-90.csv", header=FALSE)
h6 <- read.csv("tioga1_90-120.csv", header=FALSE)
h7 <- read.csv("tioga1_120-150.csv", header=FALSE)
## load some common d-spacings:
d_spacings <- c(0.33,0.358,0.434,0.482,0.717,1,1.2,1.4,1.8)
d_spacing_labels <- c(".33", ".36", ".43", ".48", ".7","1.0","1.2","1.4","1.8")
## combine horizons, and
xrd <- make.groups(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7)
names(xrd) <- c('x', 'MG', 'MG+GLY', 'K', 'K 350', 'K 550', 'horizon')
## convert data into long format
xrd.long <- melt(data=xrd, id.var=c('x', 'horizon'), measure.var=c('K','K 350', 'K 550', 'MG', 'MG+GLY'), variable_name='treatment')
## set a better ordering of the treatments
xrd.long$treatment <- ordered(xrd.long$treatment, c('MG', 'MG+GLY', 'K', 'K 350', 'K 550'))
## change the strip background colors
##  trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = grey(c(0.9,0.8)) )))
## plot the data along with some common d-spacings:
xyplot(value ~ x | treatment + horizon , data=xrd.long, as.table=TRUE, ylim=c(0,500), xlab='Deg 2Theta', ylab='Counts', panel=function(x, y, ...) {panel.abline(v=(asin(0.154/(2*d_spacings)) * 180/pi * 2), col=grey(0.9)) ; panel.xyplot(x, y, ..., type='l', col='black')} )
## another approach: labels on the side
xyplot(value ~ x | horizon + treatment , data=xrd.long, as.table=TRUE, ylim=c(0,500), xlab='Deg 2Theta', ylab='Counts', panel=function(x, y, ...) {panel.abline(v=(asin(0.154/(2*d_spacings)) * 180/pi * 2), col=grey(0.9)) ; panel.xyplot(x, y, ..., type='l', col='black')}, strip.left=TRUE, strip=FALSE)

Example XRD plot with lattice graphics: 7 horizons and 5 treatments

