Cluster Analysis 1: finding groups in a randomly generated 2-dimensional dataset

Examples based on a random data set (see example code below), illustrating some of the differences between the K-means and C-means clustering methods as implemented in R. Next time an example with soil profile data collected from the Pinnacles National Monument soil survey efforts. An online version of the PINN soil survey will be available soon here.


K-means, C-means hard classes, and C-means fuzzy membership for a random dataset partitiioned into 2 classes.
Figure 1. Two class example
K-means, C-means hard classes, and C-means fuzzy membership for a random dataset partitioned into 4 classes
Figure 2: Four class example
2-way fuzzy membership calculated with the C-means clustering algorithm, displayed as the gradation from red to blue.
Figure 3: 2-way fuzzy membership

Example in R:

## load required packages:
## make a dateset with 5 populations
x <- matrix( c(
rnorm(50, mean=.3, sd=.5),
rnorm(50, mean=.16, sd=.1),
rnorm(50, mean=.4, sd=.3),
rnorm(50, mean=.6, sd=.2),
rnorm(50, mean=.2, sd=.2)
), ncol=2)
## load function membership() : see attached file at bottom of page
## run an example with 2, then 4 classes: See Figures 1 and 2
## two-way fuzzy membership illustrated with color: See Figure 3
## display 2-way fuzzy membership
plot(x, main="C-means: 2-way Fuzzy Membership", type="n", xlab="Variable 1", ylab="Variable 2")
points(cc$centers, col = c("red", "blue"), pch = 8, cex=2)
points(x, col = rgb(cc$membership[,1], 0 ,cc$membership[,2]) , cex=0.5, pch=16)

