Selection by Minimizing MAE (mean absolute error)

  • 5 meter interval sampling of contours
  • 5 meter interval sampling of terrain skeleton
  • [5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60] meter thinning (snapping) radius

MAE vs. Thinning radius: terrain skeleton approach in red
MAE vs. Thinning radius: terrain skeleton approach in red

# # prep work:
g.region res=10 in=w_buff out=w_buff_mask use=val val=1 --o
# invoked like this
# time sh 2>/dev/null
# approx 7 mins
# start logfie
echo '' > $outfile
# the min distance between new points when converting lines to points
# make this a small number for lots of points
# sequence of thinning thresholds
sequence="5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60"
#       loop over final cleaning snapping threhold
for j in $sequence
        # feedback
        echo "thinning at :  $j meters"
        # setup some kind of sampling intervals
        # create a set of points along contours --q -i -t in=contours out=cp_00001 dmax=$dmax --o
        v.category --q in=cp_00001 out=cp_cat_00001 option=del --o
        v.category --q  in=cp_cat_00001 out=cp_cat_1_00001 option=add --o
        # select only those within the watershed: --q --o -t ainput=cp_cat_1_00001 atype=point binput=w_buff btype=area operator=overlap out=contour_pts_00001
        # convert to points on a regular interval
        # use a small number to preserve the complexity--
        # we will thin the number of points down later --q  -i -t in=skel out=sp_00001 dmax=$dmax --o
        # these points need a category first
        v.category  --q in=sp_00001 out=sp_cat_00001 option=del --o
        v.category  --q in=sp_cat_00001 out=sp_cat_1_00001 option=add --o
        # only points within watershed -t --o --q ainput=sp_cat_1_00001 atype=point binput=w_buff btype=area operator=overlap out=skel_pts_00001
        # give each sampling point a unique ID and attr designating the observation type:
        v.db.addtable  --q --o skel_pts_00001 2>/dev/null
        v.db.addtable  --q --o contour_pts_00001 2>/dev/null
        v.db.addcol  --q --o skel_pts_00001 column='elev double'
        v.db.addcol  --q --o contour_pts_00001 column='elev double'
        # patch contour and skeleton sampling points
        v.patch  --o --q -e in=contour_pts_00001,skel_pts_00001 out=rp_00001  --q rp_00001
        # thin points out a bit
        v.clean  --o --q in=rp_00001 out=rtk_pts_00001 tool=snap thres=$skeleton_sampling_interval
        # extract number of points:
        # save to $points
        eval ` rtk_pts_00001 -t | grep points`
        echo "$points points along terrain skeleton"
        #extract elevation at each sampling points
        v.what.rast --q vect=rtk_pts_00001 raster=e10 column=elev
        # interpolate elevation for current region
        # at the same time capture the number of points used in the interpolation
        interp_points=` in=rtk_pts_00001 zcol=elev elev=e_interp_00001 maskmap=w_buff_mask --o | grep 'The number of points from vector map is' | awk -F'is ' '{print $2}'`
        # generate n random points, where n= number of points used in terrain skeleton-based interpolation
        # note that these are generated along the grid used for sampling
        # only generate points within watershed mask
        r.random --o in=e10 n=$interp_points vector=rand_00001 cover=w_buff_mask
        # interpolate elevation for current region      (random points) in=rand_00001 zcol=value elev=rand_interp_00001 maskmap=w_buff_mask --o
        # compute MAE
        r.mapcalc "e_diff_00001 = abs(e10 - e_interp_00001)"
        mae=`r.univar e_diff_00001 | grep 'mean:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'`
        # compute MAE
        r.mapcalc "rand_diff_00001 = abs(e10 - rand_interp_00001)"
        rand_mae=`r.univar rand_diff_00001 | grep 'mean:' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'`
        # save stats
        echo "$j,$points,$interp_points,$mae,$rand_mae" >> $outfile
1 5 3375 3318 0.59 0.12
2 10 1730 1693 0.60 0.28
3 15 1058 1040 0.60 0.41
4 20 698 691 0.66 0.57
5 25 501 495 0.67 0.76
6 30 381 379 0.76 1.03
7 40 231 227 0.91 1.89
8 50 152 150 1.17 2.15
9 60 117 117 1.35 2.61